Post-graduate opportunities
The Grainger Lab seeks to select enthusiastic young scientists from from any relevant discipline. Students interested in our research projects will need to consider the most appropriate source of funding for their PhD. You can read about different funding options, and how to apply for them, below.
UK and international students
Wherever you are based in the world, funding is available via the Midlands Integrative Biosciences Training Partnership (MIBTP). MIBTP is a BBSRC funded PhD programme jointly coordinated by the Universities of Birmingham, Warwick and Leicester. The application deadline is usually in early January for those wishing to join the programme the following autumn. The PhD is four years in length and offers the chance to receive advanced training during the first year of the PhD before beginning the chosen research project in year two. The application process is very competitive and you should try to highlight your lab, and any other relevant work, experience in the application. We are always happy to support applicants to the programme to give them the best chance of success. If you are interested, you are encouraged to contact Professor Grainger in the first instance.

International students
All international students are eligible to obtain funding from the Darwin Trust of Edinburgh. Indeed, this programme specifically excludes UK students and those already studying in Birmingham.
Application process
For both the BBSRC funded MIBTP programme, and Darwin Trust scheme, you can apply here. In the application form, you will be able to state to which programme you are applying. As noted above, you are strongly advised to contact Professor Grainger before submitting your application, since he will be able to provide advice on the application and interview process.
Other opportunities for international student PhD funding
In addition to the above, there are many other sources of funding for PhD students, particularly those who are moving to the UK from another country. Not all of these provide full funding and some schemes do not run regularly. This is not an exhaustive list and you are encouraged to do your own research. There are often funding opportunities specific to your own country, to support a PhD in the UK. Note that links on external websites often change and, whilst we update these periodically, you may need to search funder’s websites for up-to-date funding calls.
Post-doctoral opportunities
Post-doctoral researchers looking for a position in our group are advised to contact Professor Grainger directly to discuss current vacancies. You are also encouraged to seek our support in applications for independent research fellowships. These fellowships will allow you to develop your own research programmes with our laboratory.